Name: Victoria Blackburn

Age 19

Current Ride: A 97' ls integra that I will have had now for two years this April. It's a working progress and a project car

Parts/Mods: A type r front end, AEM cold air intake, slammed on gsr blades, F&F F2 Fully adjustable coils omni upper and lower control arms.
 thats pretty much all thats been done for her, I plan on finishing her this time next year, completely different color stanced and new wheels.

How did I get in to Honda's: My best friend had a 4 door civic and I watched him make it over and I started to see the love I had for cars :)

How long: About 5 years now

Dream car? To many to list haha

About me? I live, breath, sleep Honda's. I go to auto body school, and I work at sears automotive workin on 
 cars. I dont think anything I do with my typical day doesnt involve cars some home.